2008年7月29日 星期二

你被洗腦了嗎?—脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion(上)

  逛書店的時候,很驚訝的看到洪蘭教授翻譯吉姆.羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)的新書《投資大師羅傑斯給寶貝女兒的12封信A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons for Life and Investing》,沒想到把書拿起來看之後,放回去時已經是把書讀完的時候了。











  使人能夠奴役他人的方法是相當一致的。來自世界各角落的人質、政治犯和集中營倖存者的描述,也有不可思議的雷同性。國際特赦組織(Amnesty International,AI)從不同文化中廣泛擷取政治犯的現身說法,在1973年出版了《脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion》,內容詳細敘述了那些奴役他人的方法。

(註:Amnesty International, "Report on Torture", New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973. This report cites in particular the work of Alfred Biderman, who studied the effects of brainwashing in American prisoners of war. 出自《創傷與復原Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror》英文版頁260)

  在風化業、色情行業和家庭中,這些相同的技術也被使用來壓制女性。在組織性的犯罪活動方面,鴇母和A片製作人,有時候會用脅迫的方式來教導新人。使用系統化的脅迫方式使女性淪入風塵,而稱之為「調教seasoning」。即使在家中,毆打者不屬於任何較大的組織,也沒有被人正式教導過這些技術,但是他卻似乎不斷地重塑這些技術。心理學家蕾諾‧沃克(Lenore Walker)在她有關被毆女性的研究中觀察到:虐待者的脅迫技術「儘管因人而異,卻依然非常類似。」(《創傷與復原》頁103)

  或許,你會有興趣藉由《脅迫憲章》來審視某些人的說詞。雖然我們不免要受周遭的人、事、物所影響,但我們總希望能擁有最大程度的自我意志,保有自我,透過這份資料,至少可以讓我們有更強的抵抗力不任人擺佈而不自知。沒錯,我不得不老實說,如果有人長久陷於《脅迫憲章》中所描述的情境無法脫逃,很難不被影響。情境影響力的巨大超乎一般人想像,為此曾任美國心理學會會長的知名心理學家菲利普.金巴多(Philip Zimbardo)還特別寫了《路西法效應The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil》一書。


Biderman's Chart of Coercion
"Most people who brainwash...use methods similar to those of prison guards who recognize that physical control is never easily accomplished without the cooperation of the prisoner. The most effective way to gain that cooperation is through subversive manipulation of the mind and feelings of the victim, who then becomes a psychological, as well as a physical, prisoner."


from an Amnesty International publication, "Report on Torture", which depicts the brainwashing of prisoners of war.



* Deprives individual of social support, effectively rendering him unable to resist
* Makes individual dependent upon interrogator
* Develops an intense concern with self.

Once a person is away from longstanding emotional support and thus reality checks, it is fairly easy to set a stage for brainwashing. Spiritually abusive groups work to isolate individuals from friends and family, whether directly, by requiring the individuals to forsake friends and family for the sake of the "Kingdom" (group membership), or indirectly, by preaching the necessity to demonstrate one's love for God by "hating" one's father, mother, family, friends.


Abusive groups are not outward-looking, but inward-looking, insisting that members find all comfort and support and a replacement family within the group. Cut off from friends, relatives, previous relationships, abusive groups surround the recruits and hammer rigid ideologies into their consciousnesses, saturating their senses with specific doctrines and requirements of the group.


Isolated from everyone but those within the group, recruits become dependent upon group members and leaders and find it difficult if not impossible to offer resistance to group teachings. They become self-interested and hyper-vigilant, very fearful should they incur the disapproval of the group, which now offers the only support available to them which has group approval.


Warning signs

The seed of extremism exists wherever a group demands all the free time of a member, insisting he be in church every time the doors are open and calling him to account if he isn't, is critical or disapproving of involvements with friends and family outside the group, encourages secrecy by asking that members not share what they have seen or heard in meetings or about church affairs with outsiders, is openly, publicly, and repeatedly critical of other churches or groups (especially if the group claims to be the only one which speaks for God), is critical when members attend conferences, workshops or services at other churches, checks up on members in any way, i.e., to determine that the reason they gave for missing a meeting was valid, or makes attendance at all church functions mandatory for participating in church ministry or enjoying other benefits of church fellowship.


Once a member stops interacting openly with others, the group's influence is all that matters. He is bombarded with group values and information and there is no one outside the group with whom to share thoughts or who will offer reinforcement or affirmation if the member disagrees with or doubts the values of the group. The process of isolation and the self-doubt it creates allow the group and its leaders to gain power over the members. Leaders may criticize major and minor flaws of members, sometimes publically, or remind them of present or past sins. They may call members names, insult them or ignore them, or practice a combination of ignoring members at some times and receiving them warmly at others, thus maintaining a position of power (i.e., the leaders call the shots.)


The sense of humiliation makes members feel they deserve the poor treatment they are receiving and may cause them to allow themselves to be subjected to any and all indignities out of gratefulness that one as unworthy as they feel is allowed to participate in the group at all. When leaders treat the member well occasionally, they accept any and all crumbs gratefully.


Eventually, awareness of how dependent they are on the group and gratitude for the smallest attention contributes to an increasing sense of shame and degradation on the part of the members, who begin to abuse themselves with "litanies of self-blame," i.e., "No matter what they do to me, I deserve it, as sinful and wretched as I am. I deserve no better. I have no rights but to go to hell. I should be grateful for everything I receive, even punishment."


  「脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion(中)

  你被洗腦了嗎?—脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion(下)
  服從權威(Obedience to Authority)——邪惡的平凡性(banality of evil)
  電影「惡魔教室」(The Wave;Die Welle)

2 則留言:

  1. 我百分之兩百相信,現在電視上一直說不景氣跟裁員,難道失業很久沒工作的人變成要去找賤業嗎?這種是其一.人要活得有自信,加強心理建設,社會是共存共榮,不是你死我活,暴力當然可以遠離,但是處在暴力中,更要堅定自己的信心,不要依賴,就能走出自己的未來,雖然有人花了好多年,但我相信這類書籍還是能達到迷航啟悟的作用

  2. To lunlun Lee:


