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在風化業、色情行業和家庭中,這些相同的技術也被使用來壓制女性。在組織性的犯罪活動方面,鴇母和A片製作人,有時候會用脅迫的方式來教導新人。使用系統化的脅迫方式使女性淪入風塵,而稱之為「調教seasoning」。即使在家中,毆打者不屬於任何較大的組織,也沒有被人正式教導過這些技術,但是他卻似乎不斷地重塑這些技術。心理學家蕾諾‧沃克(Lenore Walker)在她有關被毆女性的研究中觀察到:虐待者的脅迫技術「儘管因人而異,卻依然非常類似。」(《創傷與復原》頁103)
接續「脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion(上)」沒有翻譯完的部份。
Monopolization of Perception
* Fixes attention upon immediate predicament; fosters introspection
* Eliminates stimuli competing with those controlled by captor
* Frustrates all actions not consistent with compliance
Abusive groups insist on compliance with trival demands related to all facets of life: food, clothing, money, household arrangements, children, conversation. They monitor members' appearances, criticize language and childcare practices. They insist on precise schedules and routines, which may change and be contradictory from day to day or moment to moment, depending on the whims of group leaders.
At first, new members may think these expectations are unreasonable and may dispute them, but later, either because they want to be at peace or because they are afraid, or because everyone else is complying, they attempt to comply. After all, what real difference does it make if a member is not allowed to wear a certain color, or to wear his hair in a certain way, to eat certain foods, or say certain words, to go certain places, watch certain things, or associate with certain individuals. In the overall scheme of things, does it really matter? In fact, in the long run, the member begins to reason, it is probably good to learn these disciplines, and after all, as they have frequently been reminded, they are to submit to spiritual authority as unto the Lord.. Soon it becomes apparent that the demands will be unending, and increasing time and energy are focused on avoiding group disapproval by doing something "wrong." There is a feeling of walking on eggs. Everything becomes important in terms of how the group or its leaders will respond, and members' desires, feelings and ideas become insignificant. Eventually, members may no longer even know what they want, feel or think. The group has so monopolized all of the members' perceptions with trivial demands that members lose their perspective as to the enormity of the situation they are in.
新成員一開始可能會想這些期待不合理而有所爭論,但之後,為了和睦相處或因為害怕,或是看到其他人都順從了,也就跟著順從了。然而,一位成員不被允許穿某 色衣物、留有某種髮型、吃某些東西、說某些字、到某個地方、看某些東西,或與某些人交往,這真有什麼差別嗎?對整個計策來說,這重要嗎?事實上,最後將使 成員開始思考,「或許學這些戒律是有益的」,然而,就如他們持續被灌輸的,承認並屈服於統治者在精神上的權威。很快地他將發現要求無窮無盡,要專注更多時間和精力來避免做「錯」事而造成失去團體支持。這感覺如履薄冰。團體及領導者的反應變得重要,成員本身的需求、感覺和意見則變得無足輕重。事實上,成員可能不久後連自己要什麼都不知道。團體就這樣透過瑣碎的要求控制了成員們的感知能力,使他們失去自己的看法。
The leaders may also persuade the members that they have the inside track with God and therefore know how everything should be done. When their behavior results in disastrous consequences, as it often does, the members are blamed. Sometimes the leaders may have moments, especially after abusive episodes, when they appear to humble themselves and confess their faults, and the contrast of these moments of vulnerability with their usual pose of being all-powerful endears them to members and gives hope for some open communication.
Threats sometimes accompany all of these methods. Members are told they will be under God's judgment, under a curse, punished, chastised, chastened if they leave the group or disobey group leaders. Sometimes the leaders, themselves, punish the members, and so members can never be sure when leaders will make good on the threats which they say are God's idea. The members begin to focus on what they can do to meet any and all group demands and how to preserve peace in the short run. Abusive groups may remove children from their parents, control all the money in the group, arrange marriages, destroy personal items of members or hide personal items.
有時威脅也會派上用場。成員被告知,如果離開團體或不服從領導者,將會受到神明的懲罰。有時領導者會親自懲罰成員,如此成員便無法得知領導者何時會藉口神 明意旨進行威脅。成員於是開始專注在如何符合所有團體需求及保有短暫的平靜。此類團體可能將小孩帶離父母身邊,控管所有金錢,安排婚姻,將個人物品破壞或藏起來。
Warning signs:
Preoccupation with trivial demands of daily life, demanding strict compliance with standards of appearance, dress codes, what foods are or are not to be eaten and when, schedules, threats of God's wrath if group rules are not obeyed, a feeling of being monitored, watched constantly by those in the group or by leaders. In other words, what the church wants, believes and thinks its members should do becomes everything, and you feel preoccupied with making sure you are meeting the standards. It no longer matters whether you agree that the standards are correct, only that you follow them and thus keep the peace and in the good graces of leaders.
Induced Debility and Exhaustion
People subjected to this type of spiritual abuse become worn out by tension, fear and continual rushing about in an effort to meet group standards. They must often avoid displays of fear, sorrow or rage, since these may result in ridicule or punishment. Rigid ministry demands and requirements that members attend unreasonable numbers of meetings and events makes the exhaustion and ability to resist group pressure even worse.
Warning Signs:
Feelings of being overwhelmed by demands, close to tears, guilty if one says no to a request or goes against a church standards. Being intimidated or pressured into volunteering for church duties and subjected to scorn or ridicule when one does not "volunteer." Being rebuked or reproved when family or work responsibilities intrude on church responsibilities.
「脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion(下)」
你被洗腦了嗎?—脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion(上)
你被洗腦了嗎?—脅迫憲章Chart of Coercion(下)
電影「惡魔教室」(The Wave;Die Welle)
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